Hello Everybody! Not too much to tell other than this would not have ever come to fruition without my lovely daughter in law Jennifer Harris-Reed. 2 years ago she turned me on to diamond painting. I bought a resin cat canvas to see if I liked it and I did! I got a 2nd diamond painting of a jaguar (also resin drills) and had ordered a 'crystal' tiger head with blue eyes to make for my Sister Cristina Ladyga, who Loves large cats. Well... Needless to say, when I opened the kit and saw the drills, I was sooo excited! I never did finish that 2nd canvas! For months I tried to find additional canvases that were 'crystal' and had no luck. I did end up with 1 or 2 that said 'crystal' but were indeed resin! I kept thinking to myself 'why aren't ALL diamond paintings like this"? Shouldn't they ALL be like these? I also kept asking myself, out loud of course, "why can't I sell them"? I did that for several months and finally had an opportunity to make a small start. And... so it began. Here we are. Growing, Learning, and Sharing, Everyday! We are family owned and run business. Mostly Just little 'ole me (on the daily), but when shipments arrive and things get B.U.S.Y, My partner in crime, John Collins and I make the perfect dream team to get your pkgs out quickly! Jennifer and her Sister Erica have been extremely helpful as well. When shipments arrive... its NO joke! Family hands on deck have been amazing. Nearby friends also chip in to help me make shipping deadlines and to help sort and unpack. Bea & Jamie.. you have been a lifesaver a time or 2 and I love and thank you both so much. So Jennifer, Here's to You Sweetie! Without you, there would be no CCAD and your crazy Mother in Law thinking she should sell Acrylic Crystal Rhinestone Kits! Haha! It's been an interesting ride and its not over yet! Thank you for your love of the craft and for sharing it with me. Thank you for all of your help, your suggestions and your support. I love you! Let's see what next year will bring. Amy Reed Owner

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